Bayala - Term 3 Week 5 2022
Welcome to our new Newsletter 'Bayala'.
'Bayala' is a Darug word meaning yarning or conversation.

Our Vision
"Building a caring and safe learning environment where great teaching supports and inspires all students to grow, develop and succeed."
Principal's Update
As we near the middle of Term 3 term, we continue being challenged by high numbers of COVID-19 cases in the school community and in the school. This includes students missing out on face-to-face learning and staff absences that often lead to minimal supervision due to a shortage of replacement and casual teachers. I continue strongly recommending the wearing of masks indoors – for both students and staff – and the use of rapid antigen tests (RAT) for everyone who has even the mildest of symptoms. Also, parents are urged to keep their children at home if they have cold and flu symptoms. A batch of RAT kits was recently sent home via your child, however, if you need additional kits, please contact the school.
I recently spoke to students at assembly about the dangers of vaping and the disciplinary consequences if students are found in possession of vapes, use vapes, or distribute vapes at school. Unfortunately, vaping is a serious issue in schools across the State and Hawkesbury High School is not an exception. Vapes contain harmful chemicals and they are proven to have a significant impact on the health of people who use them. Most vapes also contain high concentrations of nicotine. While vapes are not labelled, they are often illegally imported from overseas where there are no regulations governing what can be put into vapes. The main ingredient in vapes is propylene glycol, a harmful chemical that is found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killers and bug spray.
More information can be found on the Health NSW website on

Since 1 October 2021, all nicotine vaping products are prescription only medicines. Anyone who continues to possess liquid nicotine or nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and does not have a prescription may be committing an offence under NSW law. Although many vapes come in different flavours such as blueberry or bubble-gum, the vast majority of illegally purchased vapes contain nicotine. As vapes are not labelled, the assumption is that they always contain nicotine. In fact, a recent study found that 100% of illegal vapes tested contained high concentrations of nicotine.
I take vaping very seriously, and the school will take strong disciplinary action if any student is found in possession of a vape, is using a vape, or is distributing vapes to others. The school will also continue educating students about the harmful impact of vaping products. I would also like to emphasise the dangers of passive vaping – inhaling vape aerosols, which is not water vapour. Exposing others to vape aerosols is putting those students at risk, and vaping in the vicinity of others may lead to additional disciplinary consequences at school. This is in line with current NSW laws which state that it is illegal to use or smoke e-cigarettes while in a car with children under 16 years of age. Using a vape whilst in a vehicle with children under the age of 16 can result in police issuing you with a penalty notice of $250. Alternatively, police can charge you with an offence that carries a maximum penalty upon conviction of a fine of $1,100 under section 30 of the Public Health (Tobacco) Act. Furthermore, should a passenger in a vehicle be caught using or smoking a vape in a car with children under 16, the driver will also be held liable for the offence and will be subject to the same penalties listed above.
I urge all parents and carers to stay informed about vapes and to have regular conversations with their children about the dangers of vaping, which is proven to be harmful and which may lead to nicotine addition and smoking of tobacco products. It may also be useful to have a conversation with your child about the financial impact of nicotine addiction, with a packet of cigarettes costing between $25 and $50. If a smoker finances a smoking addiction, for example, of a single packet of cigarettes per day, with an average price of $30, the cost per week is $210. This is $840 per month and $10080 per year. In terms your child may understand, this is the same as a new iPhone almost every month, or a brand new car every 2-3 years.
There are ways you can help protect your children from vaping:
- Whether you suspect your child is vaping or not, take the time to talk to them about it and help them understand all of the risks. It is never too late to have the conversation.
- Try to start the conversation with your child in a relaxed easy-going way, perhaps taking the cue from around you, such as a note from school, a news story about on it, or seeing people vaping on the street.
- If your child is vaping, encourage them to stop, let them know that help is available and you are there for them.
- Learn about the different types of vapes available and the risks associated with using these products.
- Set a good example by being tobacco or vape free.
- Report those who are selling vapes to minors or selling vapes containing nicotine by completing the online reporting form or calling the Tobacco Information Line on 1800 357 412.
Mr Igor Maric
From the Deputies
7C is an extension class based on the 6Cs, which are the future- focused skills of:
· Communication (listening and sharing ideas clearly and concisely)
· Collaboration (working with others)
· Creativity (expressing, thinking and doing things in new ways)
· Critical thinking (problem solving)
· Citizenship (becoming more globally aware and proactive in the community)
· Character (being a responsible and caring individual)
Future -focused learning prepares students across all curriculum areas and learning stages with the skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world.
Students will collaborate and use creative and critical thinking to solve complex problems and become mindful global citizens.
Students will be offered a differentiated and integrated curriculum that incorporates Inquiry Based Learning and enrichment options to best meet the needs of motivated students and independent learners.
Our aim is to:
· Provide learning activities that facilitate the development of the 6Cs within our students
· Develop transferable skills in addition to content knowledge
· Integrate Inquiry Based (Project Based) activities and authentic assessment which has real world application
· Increase engagement with the learning process
Future- focused learning environments inspire students to be leaders of their own learning. Student led conferences, a 7C class reviews and ongoing feedback and evaluation between teachers and students will be utilised to monitor student participation and performance in the class.
The application process for the 7C class will consist of the following:
1. Submission of the 7C Class Application Form.
2. Portfolio of work samples that demonstrate the student’s willingness and ability to be an independent learner and use of the 6C skills.
Application forms will be issued to Year 6 students in early September by the primary school and applications will close on 4 November 2022. Successful candidates will be notified of placement in the 7C class prior to Orientation Day 2022.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Shortland on 4579 6800 or via the school email should you have any questions or require further information about the 7C Class.
Mrs Kerrie Shortland
Subject Selections for Year 8 and 10.
Students have completed their subject choices for 2023. The next stage in the process will be to speak to individual students that did not receive one of their choices due to either the subject not running or it being on the same line as another choice. In some cases, students may be required to make additional subject selections. All students will be informed of their subjects throughout term 4.
Year 12 Preparing for the HSC Exams
On Friday the 12th of August Year 12 students participated in a study day at the Crown Plaza, Windsor. Students engaged in a series of workshops to help prepare them for the HSC exams. Past Hawkesbury High students Mia Barbeitos and Ashlee Scott spoke to students about their HSC journey and provided some wonderful tips. A workshop on useful resources to help prepare for exams involved students accessing the NESA website and downloading past papers, using the multiple generator and learning about how the Syllabus is a very useful study tool. Students learnt how to turn class notes into effective study notes that they can create into an answer for an HSC question. They practiced writing an answer in a timed simulation and were encouraged as part of their study routine to practise, using a stopwatch, writing a response over and over at home. To end the day students were asked to reflect on how best to look after themselves. Ms Mladenovic conducted a workshop on mindfulness and how this can help with focus.

Literacy Tutoring
We are continuing our small group tutoring this term. The aim of the intensive support is to help students improve their ability to understand texts through improved reading and vocabulary. Groups meet twice a week and work through a series of activities that are designed to meet the learning needs of each student. Students are tested regularly to identify progress and areas that may require some extra help.
Mrs Nicole Martirena
We have several school improvements currently underway which include a overhaul of our School Hall and an upgrade of our Kitchen. We are looking forward to seeing these improved spaces to support our student learning.
Mr McEvoy's Yr 11 & 12 construction classes along with Mr Hayne and Mr Testone have been working on constructing some projects in our Agriculture area to improve the facilities for our animals and students. These projects include trenching and running ag lines to improve drainage, retaining wall for our chicken coup area with a slab and shelter for our sheep and goats. These projects provide real skills and expertises for the construction students as well as greater facilities for our animals. Great effort and well done.
Mr Benn McEvoy

National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information
Please find attached the National Consistent Collection of Data information sheet for parents and carers. Reading through the information below will advise you on how the school collects and shares information with education authorities.
Student Absences
On occasion, your child/ren may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:
- being sick or having an infectious disease
- having an unavoidable medical appointment
- being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
- exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.
If your child is absent from school you can inform us of the absence using one of the methods
- Call the Administration Office during office hours with date of absence, child's name and reason for absence
- Responding to the absence SMS from the school
- Sending an email to the school with date of absence, child's name and reason for
absence - Sending a hand written note into the office on the day your child returns to school.
Please include your name, you child's name, date of absence and reason for absence - Completing an 'Absentee Form' in the SZapp App
If your child will be absent for more than one day, you will receive an SMS each day unless you specify the date range of their absence in your response.
If your child will be absent for more than 5 school days, please complete an application for extended leave - travel and return the application to school. This form is located on our website under About our School - Notes
Parents must provide a verbal or written explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence.
Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record.

8C Australian Museum Excursion
For Sydney Science Week, 8C went to the Australian Museum for the Sydney Science Trail.
This was a unique opportunity for students to experience, think and talk about the science conducted at both the Australian Museum and Australian Botanical Gardens – from the study of the natural world and research into the effects of climate change, to the exploration of the environmental knowledge of First Nations Peoples.

Careers Corner
Is your student looking for an apprenticeship?
Biggest opportunities under all one roof in Western Sydney!

Year 10 Jobquest students presented a mini Careers market to their fellow Year 9 and 10 students on Wednesday 10 August. They invited industry experts and professionals from TAFE, Australian Defence Force, YMCA, NECA-Electrical Apprenticeships, NSW Police. It was a great afternoon where students were able to listen to presentations, meet industry professionals, ask questions and collect information. Well done to the Jobquest Team and to their teacher Jordon. Thank you for giving this opportunity to our Year 9 and 10 year groups.