Bayala - Term 2 Week 3 2022
Welcome to our new Newsletter 'Bayala'.
'Bayala' is a Darug word meaning yarning or conversation.
Our Vision
"Building a caring and safe learning environment where great teaching supports and inspires all students to grow, develop and succeed."
Principal's Update
Term 2 has started with sunny weather and a hope that after more than two years of significant challenges and disruptions, we can finally fully focus on learning in a school environment that is safe and respectful and where students, teachers and parents work together to achieve best possible outcomes for our young people.
Unfortunately, last week one of our Year 12 students died suddenly and tragically. Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathy are with the student’s family and friends. In the coming weeks, you may be concerned about the reactions of your child to this news. I have written to all parents and carers earlier this week about the importance of talking to your child about the student’s death, including some key messages for your children, including seeking help when we feel down and vulnerable, and that young people should tell an adult if they are worried about someone or themselves. Useful information to help you talk to your child about suicide can be found on the Headspace site or by following this link.
The school will continue supporting our students and staff over the coming days and months. However, a return to normal school routines as soon as possible is an important part of this support. Additional counselling will be available for students and staff, but a focus on learning and daily routines is critical for recovery.
As I visit classrooms and walk through the playground, I frequently observe students and teachers focussed on learning, being respectful towards each other and wearing school uniform with pride. I am a firm believer that high standards must be taught, that they must be clearly communicated, and that students must be recognised when they continually meet those standards. For example, although the majority of our students wear their school uniform with pride – at considerable cost and effort by their parents - there are times when students need to be reminded of the school’s expectations. If students are not wearing the correct uniform, I usually ask them the reason, remind them of the expectation and possible consequences for not wearing correct uniform and expect them to come up with a plan to be in uniform the next day. I would appreciate if parents could ensure that their children have the correct uniform – especially now that the cold weather is back and students may have outgrown last year’s school jackets or tracksuit pants. I would also like to encourage parents to contact me if they are experiencing financial difficulty in getting their children into school uniform.
Also, please note that Year 10 and Year 12 students will not be allowed to pay the deposit for their formals unless they are in full school uniform, attend school regularly, demonstrate consistent good behaviour, and that there are no outstanding assignments or assessment tasks. This will not be a problem for the majority of students. However, I urge all students who would like to attend the Year 10 and 12 formals, and who perhaps do not currently meet these criteria, to urgently ensure that they formulate an improvement plan so that they do not miss out. I am happy to discuss these plans with students and parents. Letters identifying success criteria for attendance of school formals and payment of deposits will issued to Year 10 and Year 12 students shortly.
Since I have already raised the topic of high expectations, I would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the school’s values and expectations, particularly the school value of RESPECT and the use of appropriate language. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in racist comments at the school this year. Hawkesbury High School prides itself in being an inclusive and respectful school that celebrates diversity. However, a small number of students have used language and made casual comments that are racist. While the school will always discipline students when this happens, and work with those students to repair relationships through education, it is best that such comments are never made in the first place. I have written to all parents last term emphasising that racism has no place at the school. Every opportunity is also taken to teach students about the impact of racism, including the recent well-received presentation by survivors of the Kinchela Boys’ Home, talks by our School Liaison Police Officer, Senior Constable Troy Lucca, and activities during year meetings in Term 1. At home, parents can reinforce this message by being positive role models and by making it clear that racism is unacceptable. Parents can also monitor their children’s on-line activity to ensure they are not exposed to material that promotes racism. More information on how to support your child’s safe use of the internet and social media be found on the eSafety Commissioner website on
Finally, I have recently written to all parents, informing you of the recent changes in relation to COVID-19 settings. I will, of course, continue updating you via email whenever key changes occur, but in the meantime, please familiarise yourself with close contact guidelines, advice for students who are returning to school after testing positive for COVID-19, and visitors on school grounds, including parents.
Mr Igor Maric
ANZAC Day Service & School Assembly
Hawkesbury High School was well represented on Monday 25 April, at the ANZAC Day dawn service in Windsor, followed by the ceremony at Wilberforce Park. Our student leadership team did an outstanding job and a big thank you also goes to Mr Brady for the wonderful work he is doing with our school leaders.
On Wednesday 27 April, we held a whole school assembly to recognise and honour servicemen and servicewomen who have served our country. Students heard from Windsor RSL representatives Dereck Reed and Michael Stone who reflected on the 75th Anniversary of Australian involvement Peacekeeping Operations. Lest We Forget.
Introducing Schoolzine & the SZapp App
We would like to introduce you to our new interactive Parent Communication Platform - Schoolzine.
Schoolzine allows us to provide our school community with a multi-functional, interactive platform that can be accessed wherever you have internet. At home on your PC, via your mobile or perhaps on your iPad - completely at your convenience.
By installing the SZapp App, parents and carers can receive instant alerts and news feeds, as well as our school newsletter, submit absentee forms and more.
Skoolbag will be decommissioned from Wednesday 27 April and we request that all families download the SZapp app prior to this date.
Please view the below 'SZapp Presentation for Parents' powerpoint for instructions on installing the app.
Student Absences
On occasion, your child/ren may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:
- being sick or having an infectious disease
- having an unavoidable medical appointment
- being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
- exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.
If your child is absent from school you can inform us of the absence using one of the methods
- Call the Administration Office during office hours with date of absence, child's name and reason for absence
- Responding to the absence SMS from the school
- Sending an email to the school with date of absence, child's name and reason for
absence - Sending a hand written note into the office on the day your child returns to school.
Please include your name, you child's name, date of absence and reason for absence - Completing an 'Absentee Form' in the SZapp App
If your child will be absent for more than one day, you will receive an SMS each day unless you specify the date range of their absence in your response.
If your child will be absent for more than 5 school days, please complete an application for extended leave - travel and return the application to school. This form is located on our website under About our School - Notes
Parents must provide a verbal or written explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence.
Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record.
Student Achievements
During the Sydney Royal Easter Show, Year 11 student Arabela Whitby was awarded First prize and Best Exhibit Welsh Section "C" for the Best Welsh Pony of Cob Type, under Victorian Welsh Judge: Alice Austin. Congratulations to Arabela!
Cross Country Carnival
Students hit the ground running on their first day back on Wednesday 27 April. During SPORT students competed in the Cross Country Carnival. A number of students from each grade excelled and will progress onto the next stage. It was a great afternoon full of fun and energy!
Belated Spirit Day Celebrations
On Friday 29 April, students celebrated our belated Spirit Day by dressing up as childhood TV show characters! Amazing outfits all around and a lovely way to end Week 1.
NAPLAN Online 2022
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time
assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress
through school and life. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN
tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and
numeracy. Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online commencing on May 10 2022.
If you have any questions about NAPLAN Online, exemptions or withdrawals, please contact the school.
Careers Corner
Coming up in Careers
Yr 9 students- Life Design Workshop by The Purpose Project
Students will be taking part in a workshop in the school hall from 9.00am to 12:30pm on Monday 23 May. Presenters and industry representatives will be working with students to explore their future prospects and talk to them about various career paths.
Yr 10 to Yr 12 Greater Western Sydney Careers Market
On Thursday 19 May, students will be going by bus to Cambridge Park basketball stadium for the biggest Careers Market in Western Sydney. Students get an opportunity to speak with professionals from universities, training companies, apprenticeship and traineeship teams, private colleges and many more.
This event is only open to the first 60 students who pay and hand in permission notes. Permission notes are available from the Careers office.
Whitecard Course- For students 15 years old and over
On Friday 27 May, we will be holding our Term 2 Whitecard course at school. Completing this course allows students to go onto construction type sites for their work experience. The cost is $90.00 to be paid to the front office. Permission notes are available from the Careers office. The course is only open to the first 20 students who pay and hand in permission notes.
Please visit out Careers webpage for any Careers information.